
Posts Tagged ‘ARGAIP 2010’

1st Workshop on Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence and Philosophy: Computational and Philosophical Perspectives


Part of the 11th Symposium of the Italian Association for the Artificial

Brescia, December 1-3, 2010

Argumentation is an important and exciting research topic that cuts
across a variety of disciplines: Philosophy, Psychology, Communications
Studies and Computer Science, in particular Artificial Intelligence. In
spite of the wide range of disciplines interested in Argumentation,
scientific communities tend to be organized along disciplinary
boundaries, with only moderate integration occurring between
computational models and philosophical theories of Argumentation. This
workshop aims to rectify this situation, bringing together people
from various disciplines (most notably, Artificial Intelligence,
Philosophy, and Psychology) and asking them to compare their methods and
results in the study of Argumentation.

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